Beetroot contain a high concentration of nitrates, which have a blood pressure-lowering effect.
Boosts Energy
Fights inflammation
Supports Brain Health
Aids weight loss
Helps the digestive system
Helps lower blood- pressure
Contributes to healthy thyroids
Contributes to a healthy heart
Boosts immune system
Aids weight loss
Improves digestion
Improves metabolism
Contributes to healthy hair, skin, and nails
Post workout recovery agent
Improves libido
Contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and minerals like copper, manganese, potassium and beta-carotene, folic acid and fibers.
Shortens viral and bacterial infections
Strengthens your bones
Prevents cancer
Improves the quality of sperm
Aids Chest pain
Treats Bronchitis
Helps fight sinus infections
Helps arthritis
Prevents blood clots
Cures diarrhea
Treats muscle soreness
Prevents gout
Helps relieves upset stomach and nausea
Aids in digestion and saliva flow
Reduces the day-to-day progression of muscle pain
Reduces exercise-induced muscle soreness
Serves as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Reduces symptoms of osteoarthritis
Lowers blood sugar levels
Improves the risk of heart disease risk factor associated with Type 2 Diabetes
Treats Chronic Indigestion
Reduces menstrual pain
Lowers cholesterol levels
Helps prevent cancer
Improves brain function
Fights infections
Prevents heart disease
Prevents Alzheimer
Prevents cancer
Anti- inflammatory
Improves arthritis
Lowers levels of blood fats
Reduces markers of liver injury
Reduces pain and improve function in knee osteoarthritis
Reduces acne and scars
Protects and nourishes skin and hair
Treats edema
Protects the liver
Prevents and treat cancer
Treats stomach pain
Fights bacterial diseases
Treat moods disorders
Contributes to healthy bones